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Frontend Developer
Permanent      Salary: £ 38000 - £ 55000
Location: Bracknell

Frontend Developer required to work on the full SDLC; from design and development to testing, deploying and maintaining, up-to-date applications and web services.


Experience required

Typescript, Javascript, HTML5 or CSS.

Source code control, ideally Git.

Agile ideally Scrum.

Frontend frameworks and libraries, in particular React.js.

C# or PHP.

OWASP ASVS or equivalent application security standards.

Web Accessibility Content Guidelines (WCAG).

Containerising applications with Docker and using orchestration ideally, Kubernetes.

Test tools such as Cypress, Jest, React Testing Library or Selenium Web Driver.


As part of a team you will

Write code in appropriate languages, principally Typescript or Javascript.

Design the architecture of new application components

Thoroughly test new features or developments.

Work with Quality Assurance teams/processes to validate builds ready for launch.

Problem solve and fix bugs as discovered/reported.

Review projects/deployments and learn lessons to improve future performance.

Design and pilot prototype applications where required.

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