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Technical Support Specialist
Permanent      Salary: £ 28000 - £ 32000
Location: Oxford

A global engineering and animation company is seeking a Senior Product Manager to communicate value propositions for their cutting-edge technology products. <font
face=Arial size=2>The Senior Product Manager will be responsible for liaising between engineering teams and commercial teams.


Key job responsibilities:


provide first line technical support to the company and internationally, using various methods: telephone, email, desktop sharing and IM
create content for effective internal and external support or promotional purposes - documentation, website FAQ, tutorials, videos and working examples using 3rd party software
test new software and hardware to quality assure the company products for release
assist the Sales team by developing effective demonstrations to prospective clientele


Customer Software Support skills:


Able to undertake domestic and international travel
Excellent presentation skills
Self-motivated and resourceful in finding solutions by working with others
Good computer skills using a variety of Windows desktop applications




Knowledge of one or more of the following: MATLAB, Python, Visual3D, Labview
Experience of creating video or tutorial content
Familiarity with Unreal Engine and/or Unity


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